Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards the Stroke Risk Factors among the Peoples of Dhaka City in Bangladesh
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Published: 18 June 2021 | Article Type :Abstract
Introduction: Currently, CVD represents a serious problem in public health. CVD is the second most common cause of death worldwide and a significant cause of chronic disability. Contributing to this is the aging of the population, lack of knowledge regarding cerebrovascular disease and increased frequency of the risk factors, mainly hypertension. The main clinical manifestations are paralysis, dysarthria, aphasia, vision alterations, headache, numbness, dizziness or weakness. The public’s knowledge of these warning signs is very important. World Health Organization (WHO) defines CVD as rapidly developed clinical signs of focal disturbance of cerebral function lasting for more than 24 hours or leading to death without any apparent cause other than vascular origin.
Objectives: The objective of this study to evaluate Knowledge, attitude and practice about the risk factors of CVD among the peoples of Dhaka city.
Methodology: cross sectional research with 55 participants among the target population of this study is male and female enthusiastically grace with presence in Dhaka city of Bangladesh. On the other hand the study population was those congregation inclusion/exclusion criteria and KAP study of CVD risk factors. The instruments used included direct interview, a standard questionnaire and Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of CVD risk factors. Data were numerically coded and captured in Excel, using an SPSS 22.0 version.
Results: The study found that mean age of the participant was 37.89 (SD± 5.811) years and most of the participants were above 30 years. The youngest participants in this study were 30 years old and oldest participants were 50 years old. In this study, Gender showed that Male and female participant quotient was identical. Male 25.5% (n=14) and Female 74.5% (n=41). In this study Highest level of Education completed showed that HSC and Graduate degree participants were highest rate that was 41.8% (n=23). SSC participant were rate that was 9.1% (n=5). . Are you aware of most useful method for recovery this study showed that physiotherapy participants were highest rate that was 41.8% (n=23) and both participants were 40% (n=22) and medication were 18.2% (n=10).
Conclusion: The present study showed a significant association between the KAP of the participants with young age and higher educational degree. Consistent studies showed that different ages groups were significantly associated with KAP in different countries as the younger age have shown better knowledge. However, older age participants have shown higher level of adequate knowledge due to higher incidence of CVD among old age participants.
Keywords: CVD, KAP, Risk factors, warning symptoms.

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How to Cite
Dr. Abul Hasnat Mohiuddin, Dr. Shamema Bari. (2021-06-18). "Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards the Stroke Risk Factors among the Peoples of Dhaka City in Bangladesh." *Volume 5*, 1, 1-13